
Karen Clayton - CEO, Owner & Coach

Do you find your life to be a constant struggle - filled with secrets, dysfunction and possibly shame in your substance abuse or undiagnosed mental health challenges? Is it possible that your experimentation with drugs has taken a downward spiral? Do your mental health issues remain undiagnosed and untreated? It's very possible that these realities are negatively impacting your relationships, career, health, happiness and your overall outlook on life!

Are you frequently feeling overwhelmed, unheard or misunderstood? Do your attempts at communication in your relationships leave you frustrated? If so, these problems will not resolve themselves without the help of a skilled professional. If you are struggling with thoughts of hopelessness and find yourself constantly overwhelmed, I am here to help you find freedom in recovery and empowerment.

My name is Karen Clayton, I founded Candor Professional Services LLC because I am motivated to share the foundations of hope and freedom realized through my personal recovery journey.

I aspire to share insight gained through years of relevant formal education and countless impactful connections to individuals in the behavioral health community. Candor Professional Services LLC desires to help guide individuals, couples and families away from the discouragement of navigating the world with substance abuse, poor relationship skills and inadequate communication skills.

I specialize in helping those that struggle in areas of healthy communication in relationships. I am inspired to understand and meet the critical need of individuals seeking to lead a higher quality of life, rekindle purpose, reunify with families, and contribute to the development of resilient communities. I strive to provide education and services that are evidence-based and person-centered.

Behind Candor Professional Services

You may be wondering what influences an individual to fall into addiction. There is no one right answer, as reasons vary according to the individual. In order to best address this dilemma, however, one must delve into the innermost thought process of the person in crisis, as well as study their behavior. I echo a well-known sentiment that no one wakes up one morning wishing: “I think I’ll go out and get hooked on crack, or fentanyl, or meth, and add a side of alcohol! Yeah, sounds like a plan!” Though crass these words may sound, they reveal a major contributing factor to the stigma surrounding the growing disorder of substance abuse in today’s society. Consequently, the views on this epidemic grow more unmanageable and many are dying physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I was one of the many that felt that the conditions of my life were too painful to bear sober. I gradually became more dependent on the highs of my drug of choice to dissociate from the unfolding traumatic events in my life. However, boredom in the lack of fulfillment heavily followed. I set out on an educational journey to better expand my understanding around mental health, obtaining an M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology, B.A. in Human Development, and an A.A. in Psychology. Having faced a 23-year-long battle with substance use, I am convinced the insights of those years of struggle, healing, and enlightenment are invaluable weapons that can be used in overcoming the afflicting battle and alleviating the pain and anguish of the many who know it is time to be whole again!

I am available to meet you where you are; I will walk alongside you to determine the very best plan necessary to see results and to shore up the banks of your journey. My goal is to support you 100% in developing skills that will help you thrive in your recovery plan. I am confident you will be successful because I firmly believe you are worth it! You can begin living the life that you desire. You can claim freedom from addiction!

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Ready to reclaim your life with Candor Professional Services?